
Tuesday, November 10, 2020

"End of Year" Motivation

           I don't know if I am the only one who has this problem, but I'm beginning to have what I like to call the "End of Year" lack of motivation syndrome. It is not a real syndrome as far as I know but it is real to me. End of October through to the beginning of the new year is a little bit of a dead zone for me when it comes to motivation to do anything. It is the time of the year where I tend to give up and just not do anything because I can't get over my lethargy. This is the time of year that I usually just give up on my goals that have not been done and just decided that I "can't do it". I realized this pattern after looking through my previous journals, and my goals oriented journal for this year. I decided to do things just a little differently.

          Looking at my goals now, I'm going to do what I can do, in small bite size chunks and what doesn't get done gets moved to next month and so on. It is OKAY for a goal to be shifted to the next year. What doesn't get done this year can still be finished next year when I am fresh and rested. Plus 2020 has not exactly been a normal year...

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