
Tuesday, November 17, 2020

More on Lack of Motivation

          In my previous post I talked about how I’ve been lacking motivation thanks to the whole 2020 catastrophe year and end of year blues. In this post I’d like to expand a little and maybe share with you all what I’ve been doing. 

1. Look at your goals and see which ones you can shift around or add more tiny steps too to make things easier on yourself and to not give .

2. Take a break. I gave myself a few days to just chill and do nothing but the absolute necessary. 

3. See if there is something that sparks your interest, that makes you want to do it then turn it into a reward for yourself if you do something, even if it is a small thing.

4. Change where you usually sit to do your work. A change of scenery is always a good reset. 

5. Be gentle on yourself. There is always tomorrow.

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

"End of Year" Motivation

           I don't know if I am the only one who has this problem, but I'm beginning to have what I like to call the "End of Year" lack of motivation syndrome. It is not a real syndrome as far as I know but it is real to me. End of October through to the beginning of the new year is a little bit of a dead zone for me when it comes to motivation to do anything. It is the time of the year where I tend to give up and just not do anything because I can't get over my lethargy. This is the time of year that I usually just give up on my goals that have not been done and just decided that I "can't do it". I realized this pattern after looking through my previous journals, and my goals oriented journal for this year. I decided to do things just a little differently.

          Looking at my goals now, I'm going to do what I can do, in small bite size chunks and what doesn't get done gets moved to next month and so on. It is OKAY for a goal to be shifted to the next year. What doesn't get done this year can still be finished next year when I am fresh and rested. Plus 2020 has not exactly been a normal year...

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Monthly Update: November 2020

          As we neared the end of October I realized that by the end of the month I would not have enough pages for a full next month so I decided to move to a new notebook. The new notebook is the exact same one as the one I was using from May to October so no change there.

          Now let us talk about October. For the most part I started strong and then at the end I kind of lost steam. You can see it in my tracker a little bit. I decided to give myself some time off each week and there are times when for Korean and Mandarin I just studied using the apps which I don't think of as real study but at least I didn't leave off completely, and most of this happened at the end of the month mostly.

          I'm going to talk about my language studies and what I plan to change this month in a separate post suffice it to say, I'm tweaking my routine a bit. I might start a study challenge but we'll see. The first thing I did on October 31 was review the month and see which goals are working and which ones aren't or need tweaking.

I looked at my calendar as well as my monthly goal's page from October to see how I did and assess everything.

          Next I set up next month as usual. I did a title page using a simple post card that I liked and then set up my month at a glance calendar and my trackers.

Also as usual I set up my goals for this month. I'm happy with how the setup turned out as usual.