Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Monthly Journal Update

          It is a new month and so a journal update is in order. Last month was an abject failure in journalling but a sort of success when it comes to figuring out a bit more about myself and power sheets. I learned after adding some smaller goals to my power sheets that I needed more concrete bite-sized goals that go towards the big goal and luckily this month is when the power sheets give you the chance to look over your old goals and revamp them. So today I’m going to start with that. 

I didn’t actually take pictures of everything I did but I used to have more goes than this. I’ve streamlined a few and added more chunks to some. I have targets now, mini-steps that I take for the bigger picture. 

I filled out the other pages too which helped me mentally. 

So let me show you last month’s tending sheet. 

As you can see lots of days where things went to the dogs when it came to my language studies and I also felt like my tasks were not specific enough. 

Here is this month’s tending sheet.

Not many tasks but specific enough to let me have a more detailed approach. 

Now the power sheets calendar is where I keep track of my bills and when they need to be paid when to take my Humeira medication when to post my blogs and I record when I finished a set goal. So I did not want to clutter it with anything more and I hated that sheet they have at the back of the calendar to list mini-goals so what I did was add separate calendars for three different things I wanted to keep track of my Islamic studies, my Korean studies, and my Mandarin studies. 

As you can see...clutter! But organized clutter.

I'm also using Google Calendar to organize my lecture times as just writing them in my journal is not enough of a reminder. I have it set up to remind me of the classes 15 minutes before the lessons.

Now to my journal. The only thing I kept up with there is my tracker page, my idea blog page and my books read...even there weren’t many books read 😂

Here Are the opening pages for this month in my journal.

Now I vowed to myself that I was going to journal more this month because last month was a total failure in that regard and so far I have kept my word to myself.....but the month is only at its beginning...so we’ll see.

I did subscribe to a new stationery box from Japan so you might be seeing reviews of that every month! 

That is it for now!

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